

Install touchSMS Slack App

  1. Login to touchSMS and head to:
    • Integrations > Slack – Configure
  2. Click “Add to Slack” button.

Follow the steps to log into your Slack workspace.

Then click to allow the connection between touchSMS and Slack.


You will then be redirected back to your touchSMS account, viewing the Slack Integration settings.



Using the Integration

The touchSMS + Slack integration allows you to send SMS directly from within the Slack application.

Now that it’s installed, jump into the Slack channel that has the app installed.

Start typing


The tooltip will appear to show you how to format your message.

Continue typing the phone number and message as below;

/sms 0491570159 Hello - I'm sending this SMS from Slack.

This is setting up the process to send the message “Hello – I’m sending this SMS from Slack.” to 0491 570 159

A confirmation notification will be shown. It confirms the phone number and the message you’re about to send. If you’re happy with the content and phone number click Send SMS, otherwise you can click Cancel to start again.

Your message has now been sent.


touchSMS + Slack Outbound and Inbound Settings

  1. To access outbound and inbound setting for Slack Integration in touchSMS, go to:
    • Integrations > Slack – Configure
  2. Click on the domain appearing in the list under authenticated users.
  3. Select your preferences from the dropdowns available

Outbound Options (Sending SMS)

Outbound Message in Slack can be sent from;

  • Keep outbound message private, don’t show in Slack channel
  • Show outbound message in Slack channel

You can also predefine your Sender ID by selecting your options from the Use account default Sender ID dropdown.

  • Use Default – by select Default, it will use the Sender ID selected in Profile & Settings – Default SMS Setting.
  • Set Custom – by selecting Set Custom a Sender ID dropdown will appear for you to select from your pre-saved Sender IDs, Shared number or Virtual Number.

Inbound Options (Receiving SMS Replies)

Inbound Settings;

  • Receive only replies to messages sent from Slack
  • Receive all inbound messages

Using the above settings you can allow all inbound messages to appear in Slack or just replies from SMS sent from Slack.

Inbound Message in Slack can be sent to;

  • Send inbound message to a user in private message
  • Show inbound message in Slack channel

The replies will appear in a private message (can only be seen by you, not other users in the channel) or slack channel depending on your settings.

The left side shows the outbound SMS (original message you sent out), and the right shows the inbound SMS (reply that your user sent).

In the footer is the mobile number that sent the reply.

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