
Generating a QR Code

Once you have created a touchSMS account you have access to the QR Code to SMS Generator. Unlike other QR Code which direct you to a link, the touchSMS QR Code opens an SMS window once scanned. You can specify the pre-populated SMS that appears and using the virtual number auto-reply can enable an automatic reply to be sent once the SMS has been recieved.

Please Note you are required to purchase a Virtual Number to use the QR Code function.


1. Navigate to QR Codes.

If you have not already purchased a Virtual Number please refer to Purchase a Virtual Number article before moving forward.


2. Enter the name of your QR Code, if you wish to use this name as the caption which appears below the QR code tick the checkbox below name field.


3. From the Virtual Number dropdown select the virtual number you would like the QR Code to be setup with.


4. SMS Message, this is the content that will appear in the SMS message once the QR Code has been scanned and on-screen prompt tapped. Be sure to include the details you require to be submitted. Content below can be edited.


5. Using the QR Code Colour Manager you can change the QR Code colour and background. It is recommended to leave as is.


6. Click Save. 


7. Once created and saved download your QR Code and display it in your venue. Be sure to test the QR Code yourself first.


Optional Feature;

If you would like your customer to receive and Auto-reply SMS once they have submitted their details, you can do so by setting up an auto-reply on your Virtual Number. To learn more view Virtual Number Settings article


 COVID-19 QR Codes, Integrations  
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