Creating Contact Groups and Adding Contacts
Creating contacts groups is a great way of organising recipients into segments that are quick and easy to engage. A contact can belong to more than one group in your touchSMS account.
1. Navigate to Contacts > click Create Group
2. Name and save your new Group.
There are a few ways to add contacts to your group now:
- Click Create Contact to manually enter a new contact individually or
- Import a file containing contact details or
- Find an existing contact and add them to your new group.
Adding an Existing Contact to a New Group
1. Navigate to Contacts
2. Select All Contacts
3. Use the Search bar to locate your contact – search by name or number.
4. Click on the contact’s name to open and edit details.
5. Use the Groups dropdown to select your new group
6. Click Save Contact
NOTE: Any contacts that have opted out will be excluded from the contact count and hidden by default.

Click Show opted out contacts to display an unfiltered list – opted out contacts will be identified with a badge as below:

To display only Opted out contacts, use the filter dropdown to select is Opted Out.